Thursday, September 6, 2007

How to post....continued

Thanks to Kristi for responding to my previous post, and so, here's her great instructions on how to join in on the blog....

If you click on "comments" under your post, it takes you to this page, to write your own comment. If you have a google account you can sign into that and post, otherwise it encourages you to sign up for a google account. When I signed up for a google name, then I could come here and post this. It asks for an email, a user name (what will show as your name when you post) and a password 8 characters long.

There you, just follow Kristi's directions and we'll all look forward to our posting community growing!


Kay said...

I am joining the journey, and looking forward toit.

Kay said...

I will be using the New International Version on this journey.

E. P. Suggins said...

Wait for me

E. P. Suggins said...

testing 123