‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
"See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and that is what we are."
No, I was told don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I would have to disagree with sparrow a little on this one. Although in our human world we are told to not put all of our eggs in one basket are we not suppose to give up all for our Lord? In a way this is a command for us. Not literally ~ we do not need to take everything that we own NOW in this world and take it down to goodwill or have a garage sale or place it all on ebay and sell it all! It is a command more for the heart and your desires. God has blessed many of us richly with worldly 'things' and Jesus is not saying that we should have all that taken away from us while on this earth. Rather we need to search what is in us and 'sell' our worldly desires and emotions 'all that we have' to become apart of the kingdom of God. Jesus does not tell us that any worldly 'things' (money, etc) or good deads will help us inherit His home. Ok so alot of that was probably rambling, but I hope it makes sense!!!
Maybe this has to do with the fact that once you experience the love of God it is all you ever will desire. And nothing else can come close to such a feeling of satisfaction and full fillment
thanks for all the comments....thought provoking.
the reason that I posed this discussion question is that I think that often this parable is heard as a command....that we SHOULD make the kingdom of God (our faith) the most important thing in our life.
Let me suggest a different perspective, and that is that it is meant to be more of a promise than a command. In this world where everything ultimately falls short of capturing our hearts, there is one thing that won't come up short, and that is God and his grace-filled reign in our lives.
Ever go on a snipe hunt? Been the one holding the empty bag and the embarrassment of being made the fool? That will not happen, promises God, as we trust in him with our lives and hearts.
Some may think us foolish to trust in a God who might seem absent in our struggles and trials, but he who suffered on the cross promises us that the opposite is actually the case....God doesn't run away from us when we suffer....he comes to us in our sufferings. Nothing will keep us from him. That's his promise, a promise that he marked with his blood. A pearl of unequaled worth.
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