Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sunday, March 14

Matthew 22:11-14
11 ‘But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing a wedding robe, 12and he said to him, “Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding robe?” And he was speechless. 13Then the king said to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 14For many are called, but few are chosen.’

Blog Discussion Question: No wedding robe? Sounds a bit picky, doesn't it? Or does it?


laymen l said...

I think its a warning. Dont become to for sure of yourself. Just because you are at the wedding ( church, what ever religious function). Doesnt mean you are rightous.Only Jesus makes us pure enough to attend the wedding, not our selves.

rjq said...

Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!
My Bible references that is was custom of the day to be given the garments to wear to the wedding banquet. It was insulting to try to enter the banquet thinking you could enter without the gift.
It is more than insulting to the king for us to belong to His kingdom dressed in OUR is impossible. But He not only provided the way, but IS the way. It isn't picky, when it is "given for you".

Praise said...

What wonderful insights, Laymen and RJQ! It all makes good sense!

Pastor Jerry is "something else" when it comes to finding provocative parables, isn't he? It'll make "The Good Samaritan" easy! Ha! But....always new insights! Thanks, all!

Pastor Jerry said...

Thanks to laymen and rjq's comments...maybe they have said enough.....

But.....well....what would it be if not a "couple" of words from me.

This parable comes right after a previous parable we read in which those who were invited decided not to come and others were gathered in.

Apparently, one guy who was gathered in thought he was good enough...maybe even doing the master a favor for coming in and filling an empty chair.

It is a reminder to us that we aren't doing God a favor as we take our place in his kingdom, as the master in the parable clearly reminds the man by the sentence pronounced on him....God is doing us a favor (to put it lightly) by opening the doors of his heart to us.

Something to think we sometimes consider that we are doing God a favor by coming to church? Do we sometimes think we are doing God a favor when we forgive someone who has deeply wronged us? Do we sometimes think we are doing God a favor by the offerings we give?

How motivated would we be to come to church every Sunday if we remembered that God is doing us a favor by opening the doors for us and inviting us in? How willing would we be to forgive if we remembered that God is doing us a favor by freeing us from carrying grudges? How motivated would we be in considering our offerings if we remembered that God is doing us a favor by inviting us to share in his saving and life-giving work for all creation. WOW!!!!!

sower said...

Never thought about my faith or service as doing God a favor. I am happy he is there welcoming us all to enter his doors each week. I also think of the robe being appropriate clothes to wear to the celebration, this also could mean our attitude in being in church or serving.

KevKat said...

CRASY COMPUTERS!! I had such great thoughts (or so I thought) and I went to post and of course it said there was an error!!! Anyway! In short, this parable reads to me that we should always be clothed and dressed with God's Righteousness for whenever Christ shall come again. I also like Pastor Jerry's thoughts on the favor God is doing in inviting us to be apart of His creation! Praise be to God!!!

Now I know how you feel RJQ!