Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, Apr. 13

1 Sam. 17:48-58
48 When the Philistine drew nearer to meet David, David ran quickly towards the battle line to meet the Philistine. 49David put his hand in his bag, took out a stone, slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead; the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground.

50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, striking down the Philistine and killing him; there was no sword in David’s hand. 51Then David ran and stood over the Philistine; he grasped his sword, drew it out of its sheath, and killed him; then he cut off his head with it.

When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. 52The troops of Israel and Judah rose up with a shout and pursued the Philistines as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron, so that the wounded Philistines fell on the way from Shaaraim as far as Gath and Ekron. 53The Israelites came back from chasing the Philistines, and they plundered their camp. 54David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armour in his tent.

55 When Saul saw David go out against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the commander of the army, ‘Abner, whose son is this young man?’ Abner said, ‘As your soul lives, O king, I do not know.’ 56The king said, ‘Inquire whose son the stripling is.’ 57On David’s return from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul, with the head of the Philistine in his hand. 58Saul said to him, ‘Whose son are you, young man?’ And David answered, ‘I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.’

BLOG DISCUSSION QUESTION: Something I hadn't noticed before....David didn't kill Goliath with the stone. He killed him with Goliath's sword. Does that detail make a difference?


KevKat said...

I noticed that this time too Pastor Jerry! After reading the first few verses it seems like it was SO easy for David to Kill the Philistine, but he didn't do it with just the stone. I really don't think it matters or changes my thoughts on the story. The idea is still that David 'took out' the Philistine with the stone, but took greater measures in order to kill him.
Another question: Where do we get the name Goliath when in this version of the text it is the Philistine?
Another thought too: The troops of Irael and Judah showed no mercy it seems like because although the Philistines fled the opposing troops still pursued them and killed many it seems. I realize that in the OT God was seen more fearful and not as much of a God of mercy (we see this more in the Gospels), but what does it say about God's mercy upon others? Just a thought.

Praise said...

Wow! This starts my day with some good reading and thinking! I do agree, Pastor Jerry...most of us think that the stone killed Goliath! Cutting his head off must have been really you think David had second thoughts as he was doing the cutting???? Most of us would rather not think of David as the Head Chopper! Yes, KevKat, I have trouble with the "extra killing" that the troops of Israel and Judah showed too! The harmonies of Peace are at a premium, aren't they? Then.....and NOW!
Thanks for more "bloggers" again!
ALL of your ideas add to the "melting pot" of exciting discussion! Sparrow, Sower, tnuernb, Wagner family, Searching...and more....we need you!

KD said...

I realy enjoy you guys blogs.I hope I dont sound disagreeable because sometimes it sounds that way. I believe David killed Goliath with the sling and stone. I believe the sword and head cutting was another killing. The second death. A victory killing. A complete killing. A killing to satisfy Davids promise back in verse 46. To complete the Philistines even trying to defeat Davids God. The Philistines tryed several times to defeat the Israel army but were totally blowen out of the water. They knew comming in that they were going to be defeated. Israel before back in history defeated the Philistines with slings and stones, and other major defeats. They still felt it necessary to try.

Pastor Jerry said...

The good thing about reading small chunks is that you can notice things that you might miss when you read big chunks. It sounds to me like the stone knocked Goliath out....and David finished Goliath off with Goliath's own by the sword...die by the sword.

I find it spiritually energizing to consider that when facing big challenges, I, too, like David have pebbles (of faith) in my hand, and it seems very credible for me to be able to tackle those problems with pebbles. It makes my battles seem more within my grasp of winning, rather than counting on something miraculous to happen. Haven't we all heard as kids not to throw stones because we could REALLY hurt someone?

Much of what we read in the Bible seems very barbaric to our ears, and I view that as a good thing...what I mean by that is that the world that I live in doesn't seem quite so barbaric, so progress has happened. What we consider barbaric was normal in David's a matter of fact even up to the last century or so...I am glad that it doesn't seem normal in our day. Although, if we open our eyes, it is still all too prevalent in our world, even still.

In answer to KevKat, Goliath was a Philistine, a tribe of people, another nation.

Regarding heads being cut off....remember that is how John the Baptist met his demise.