Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday, Apr. 23

1 Sam. 20:18-25
18 Jonathan said to him, ‘Tomorrow is the new moon; you will be missed, because your place will be empty. 19On the day after tomorrow, you shall go a long way down; go to the place where you hid yourself earlier, and remain beside the stone there. 20I will shoot three arrows to the side of it, as though I shot at a mark. 21Then I will send the boy, saying, “Go, find the arrows.” If I say to the boy, “Look, the arrows are on this side of you, collect them”, then you are to come, for, as the Lord lives, it is safe for you and there is no danger. 22But if I say to the young man, “Look, the arrows are beyond you”, then go; for the Lord has sent you away. 23As for the matter about which you and I have spoken, the Lord is witness between you and me for ever.’

24 So David hid himself in the field. When the new moon came, the king sat at the feast to eat. 25The king sat upon his seat, as at other times, upon the seat by the wall. Jonathan stood, while Abner sat by Saul’s side; but David’s place was empty.

BLOG DISCUSSION QUESTION: Anyone remember any other arrow shooters.....Biblical or non-Biblical? (I know...this is a question that isn't very deep or thought provoking...but maybe fun!)


KD said...

When Jonathan loved David as his own soul don't you think when God commanded for us to love our neighbor as we love ourself means the same thing? Why is David still trying to communicate with Saul, is he as stupid as a fence post? No-David with the spirit of God, not by his might of flesh, is forgiving Saul 70 times 7 or totally each and every time. We as Christians,because of that, means to obey Gods basic commands of loving his neighbor and forgiveness.

KevKat said...

Of course Pastor J -- Psalm 127: "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like ARROWS in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of THEM!!" :) My husband also reminded me of the 300 Spartans (I really don't know the story, but supposedly they were killed by arrows in the end???)

gabriel said...

Hey KevKat really good! Of course the most infamous is William Tell....You know shooting the apple of the head of his son, I believe.

gabriel said...

I always have to write twice, have you noticed. I just "googled" William Tell. It is a originating in the 13th century about the excellent marksman William Tell. All were to bow before the emperors hat that was placed on a pole in the center of town. The emperor was not a nice man and eventually William killed him. However, I digress, in defiance, William shot an arrow threw the hat. And he was then made to shoot an arrow through an apple on the head of his son. Look it up if you want to know more.

Pastor Jerry said...

How about Robin Hood who split the arrow to save Princess Marion? Cupid? MMMM...any others?